Guia Cidade

Mountainous Region in Macaé

The Macaense mountainous  region has great  tourist potential due to the presence of clear and crystalline rivers and waterfalls which form  natural beaches  appropriate and invitational for bathing.  Most outstanding is  Cachoeira-Mãe -  Mother Waterfall  -  located in Sana,  the 6th district  of Macaé, although  in  other places you can also discover  other  waterfalls and rivers of rare beauty.  On the higher ground there is Pico do Frade -  Frade Peak  - with  its  1429 mts.  Another  point of peculiar interest is  Peito do Pombo -  Pigeon Chest -  (a high elevation)  which does appear to be such  when seen  from  a  distance.  Normally the first contact of the tourist with the montainous region is to  practice radical sport activities. Inns and small hotels with good services have already begun making in-roads into this recent panorama and  interacting municipal tourism.

Mãe Falls - Sana

Sete Quedas - Sana

Trecking in Sana

Escorrega - Sana

Bridge to Escorrega




Sant’Anna Churche

Rapel in Glicério

Peito de Pombo Rock


Fotos de PhotoOn/Romulo Campos